Sunday, October 6, 2019

Completing the GDP Rates Table Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Completing the GDP Rates Table - Essay Example Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Completing the GDP Rates Tables TABLE 1: USA (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Year GDP in US$ GDP % growth Pop. ... 35 2000 1075.57 1.25 30,689 1.24 271.9 1.339 178,940.9 230,838.3 -23,023 1.67 2.343 2001 1107.46 0.45 31,021 0.27 252.5 1.373 163,424.1 216,267.9 -13,717 1.68 2.417 2002 1154.95 0.94 31,373 -0.98 225.8 1.404 160,922.7 209,087.7 -48,167 1.69 2.578 2003 1214.60 0.2 31,676 0.80 275.8 1.443 169,923.7 221,594.7 -51,671 1.70 2.626 2004 1290.19 0.92 32,048 0.93 185.6 1.470 189,879.9 256,359.8 -45,678 1.7 1 2.785 2005 1368.73 1.35 32,359 0.40 221.3 1.502 211,898.7 290,384.3 -67,897 1.72 2.89 2006 1450.40 1.24 32,723 1.13 200.3 1.531 524,075 487,674 -56,432 1.76 2.345 2007 1529.58 0.98 33,115 0.69 213.8 1.565 534,718 505,055 -78,456 1.73 2.964 2008 1603.41 1.35 33,506 0.75 237.1 1.602 563,075 538,654 24,421 1.81 3.104 a) Column 5 = column 2 divided by column 4 [i.e. (2)/(4)] b) Column 10 = column 8 minus column 9 [i.e. (8)-(9)] c) Column 11 = column 8 divided by column 2 and multiplied by 100 [i.e. (8)/(2)*100] d) Column 12 = column 9 divided by column 2 and multiplied by 100 [i.e. (9)/(2)*10 0] How to do this assignment, 1. You should complete tables 1 and 2 on the page 1 which I will upload it. 2. Compare the GDP rates of growth and the Trade Balance of CANADA and the US and try to draw any conclusions based on economic theory The GDP rate of growth for U.S has been increasing constantly since 1994 until 2001. The growth rate for Canada has no particular sequence as it has been constantly increasing and decreasing as a result of the economic conditions. The trade balance for U.S is less than that of Canada over the years. Levi (2009) describes that Canada is the tenth largest economy as measures in US dollars. This is as a result of the importance of its primary sector with more revenue from the logging and oil industries. The manufacturing industry as well as the automobile

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